22nd edition
Business trip of African economic operators to Szitzerland and Germany
From 19 to 24 November 2023
German-African business opportunities: equipment purchases, processing, financing, investment
Eligibility requirements for economy travel to Germany
To participate in the Afriboom bussiness forum, you must have at least one of the following statuses:
- Regularly registered and established companies under public or private law
- Project holders,
- Individuals with a specific economic or technological interest in relation to Germany
- Representative of a public or semi-public administrative institution.
Content of the package
- Round trip air ticket
- Housing
- Nutrition
- Transport in the city
- Costs of participation in various conferences, economic meetings and fairs
Equipments purchases
The purchase of equipment represents a significant investment for all organisations and is directly linked to their strategic decisions. So the choice of supplier is crucial. Our main objective is to put you in touch with suppliers who have experience with the African market and who are able to advise and integrate the real needs of an African company. The AFRIBOOM Forum offers you a selective platform which gives you the opportunity to see, touch, test, reassure yourself on the quality of the equipment and negotiate directly with the suppliers. To decide on a better economic cooperation framework with potential suppliers and to choose the best contract offers. This will allow you to solve the problem of expensive and inappropriate purchases that could jeopardize the development of your company. Furthermore, thanks to our expertise in the field of forwarding and groupage, we can assist you in the shipment of your goods and acquisitions and offer you efficient logistic solutions that will allow you to optimise the costs of your shipments and to conclude good deals at the right price!
Economic Meetings
The guarantee of a professional and quality welcome is the result of a good preparation, which allows us to create a framework of exchanges putting each participant in contact with serious interlocutors able to propose them concrete business solutions and to fulfil their expectations. We inform our extensive network of companies and our German partners of the delegation’s arrival. We publish information on the nature of the needs and profiles of the registered African companies. This allows all German operators who have an economic or social interest in Africa to take part in the business meetings and events that are the backbone of our programme. Companies already in communication or in business relations with our participants, but also German companies wishing to make their prospection, investors looking for business opportunities in Africa, potential financial partners, political representatives are invited.
Technology Partners
Is an alliance of two or more entities that may differ markedly in industry but are willing to join forces for the success of a joint research and development project despite the risks they may incur. The Technology Partner Programme brings together market-leading platform providers and innovators who are pushing the boundaries of technology use. Our collaboration with our Technology Partners ensures that our components are well aligned, resulting in optimised performance and outstanding user experiences.
B2B meeting
One of our challenges is to provide you with the best possible professional reception in Germany. Early registration at the forum allows us to work on your requirements in advance and to target peer companies that best meet your needs and demands. We will put you in touch with these companies before your arrival in Germany, which will facilitate your prospection and allow you to optimise your commercial exchanges during your stay in Germany.
Company/Fair visits
Thanks to the experience we have gained over the years, we can offer targeted business programmes to satisfy our participants. Our choice of companies and fairs to visit is based on the concrete needs and profile of our participants. These visits are of direct interest or of an exploratory nature, which allow business people to experience/see technologies in operation at close quarters, to discover how production lines are structured, and to understand/build up by the operational and organisational structures of German companies. It is also a place for direct communication with suppliers and peer companies, to get a first-hand look at goods and materials, to implement purchasing or sales transactions; to do good business by taking advantage of the promotional benefits offered by companies at trade fairs and exhibitions.
Financing/ Investments
We accompany and support companies in their strategic development through the search for financing; by proposing concrete and tailor-made solutions specific to their different levels of contribution and needs. Beforehand, we carry out an evaluation of your company’s actual operating situation and study with you the ideal financing solutions* that will enable your company to achieve its strategic investment objectives under the best possible conditions. Supplier financing, participatory financing, external/bank financing.